• Digital Sales Channel
  • Credit
  • Textiles
  • Gems & Jewellery
  • Corporate
  • MSEs
December 24, 2020

Tilt among micro and small enterprises to digital channels for sales



  • Focussed on micro and small enterprises (MSEs), with a 60:40 mix of services and manufacturing sectors (see Annexure)
  • MSEs have moved towards digital channels such as online aggregators/marketplaces and social media since the pandemic brought the nation to a halt
  • Uptick in adoption of digital channels seen even among micro enterprises, despite their resource limitations
  • Among manufacturing sectors, gems and jewellery and textiles aggressively adopted digital channels for better business prospects
  • Among services sectors, real estate and human resources were ahead of peers in adopting digital platforms for generating leads
  • Around 60% of the respondents that transitioned to selling via digital platforms said it helped them survive, while the remaining said it provided growth