Structured Trade Review for a large US Bank with highest self-review accuracy leveraging automation

Client : A large US bank




Functional Mandate

  • To create an organisational model for global Structured Trade Review (STR) as an independent risk management function for one of the biggest US investment banks
  • To build and maintain STR processes globally in BAU Mode
  • To risk-prioritise review of historic inventory trades

Corporate Audit Deadline

  • Stringent corporate audit deadlines to review the historic inventory trades
  • To make the process sustainable, the business logic of edit control, new deal review and historic review had to be applied
  • Edit control and new deal review capabilities and process had to be set up

Project Management Team

  • A central project management team comprising CRISIL GRA and client representatives set up
  • A workflow checklist approach finalised for implementation across asset classes, considering strategic requirements of the project
  • Key decisions regarding scope of review, depth of review, review process maps standardised for all stakeholders

Governance and Reporting Standards

  • To build a workflow tool platform to streamline the review process across asset classes
  • To facilitate centralised monitoring of trade review
  • To have a centralised MIS reporting and analytics platform
  • Creation of a centralised knowledge repository for future reference and a deal library for all exotic products and review standards


CRISIL’s solution


Due Diligence and Analysis


Kick Off - 

  • Onsite team – Project team from Crisil GRA interacts with stakeholders. System and population analysis completed for the asset classes where there is no review process
  • Identified competent resources to handle complex trade review across asset classes
  • Training and ramp up of STR team

Trade review – Go Live


Time - 2 months

  • Review for BAU commenced and other control process initiated to manage amendments to bookings
  • Identified historical trades and commenced review process
  • Covered 6 asset classes and reviewed close to 25 BAU trades and 20 historical trades per day

Ramp-up and Steady state


Time - 6 months

  • Further ramp up of team to manage the inflow of BAU trades and backlog of historical trades
  • Reviews increased to around 55 BAU trades and 60 historical trades per day 
  • Serviced ad-hoc requests such as book transfer during strategic changes, Front office requests on booking checks, process improvement tools, and creation of web-based MIS for relevant stakeholders

Current State


Today - 30 months

  • Completed historical trade review and BAU reviews stabilised in the first year.
  • Resources ramped down to handle pending queries in historical trades and manage BAU reviews including amendments
  • Reviewed around 80,000 trades; gross PV impact of the errors identified crossed 79 million USD


Client impact


Project Management

  • Comprehensive ownership of the STR function to cover 100% of all exotics traded globally on all asset classes including structured notes

Risk Management

  • Developed the STR function from being a 'control activity' to an independent risk management function. STR review had an accuracy rate of more than 99.95% 

Trade Reviews

  • Reviewed around 80000 trades with a MTM impact of more than USD 79m

Resource Management

  • Provided flexibility by moving people across asset classes in the STR function to suit organizational and project requirements

Knowledge Management

  • Delivered exotic products and processes training to stakeholder groups and line of business through a highly skilled pool of associates 

Analytical Reporting

  • Created workflow tools and reporting suites to provide high value analytical reporting. Developed the centralised STR workflow tool and reporting suite to enable synergies across asset classes


  • Automated the population validation and feeds to the STR workflow tool and automated management reporting

Request for services

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