NGO Gradings: Unlocking Funding Opportunities and Enhancing Credibility

Strategic partnerships between companies and NGOs can amplify impact. Our NGO Gradings help identify credible and effective partners, ensuring targeted CSR efforts. Our specialized offerings of NGO Gradings can assist the organizations in identifying and partnering with the right entities for their CSR goals.

This comprehensive tool evaluates organizations against their peers on two distinct dimensions: financial proficiency and delivery capability.

Financial Proficiency Assessment:

We evaluate the partner's ability to effectively manage their revenue and expenditure profile. This assessment helps funders gain a clear understanding of the organization's financial stability, fiscal discipline, and resource management practices. It ensures that the funding received is utilized optimally and in accordance with the organization's social objectives.

Delivery Capability Assessment:

We delve deep into the partner's track record, management profile, policies and processes, programmatic implementation, and risk management mechanism. This evaluation helps funders assess the partner's operational efficiency, effectiveness in program delivery, and risk mitigation practices. By understanding the partner's delivery capability, funders can make informed decisions regarding funding allocations and partnerships.

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